Over the quarter, we have some exciting transition events taking place for our Grade 5s which we hope will enable the students to gain a good perspective of life as a UAS Middle Schooler.

Please see a list of the events below:

· On-going meetings between teachers across Elementary and Middle School

· 11th April: Counsellor led session with all Grade 5 students

· Starting week beginning17th April: Grade 5 tours of the Middle School

· Starting week beginning 1st May: Transition mornings – students will experience exciting lessons over the quarter taught by our Middle School teachers

· 9th May: Parent open morning of Middle School (sign-up required and will be sent nearer the time)

· 9th June: Full Transition Day – students will experience a full day of Middle School from start to finish

· 13th June: Transition Evening – parents and students to attend (sign-up required and will be sent nearer the time)

· 19th June: Grade 6 led Assembly/Workshop – for Grade 5 students

We do advise you to talk about these events with your child and reflect with them after, encouraging them to feel excited and ready to begin their transition to Middle School.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the G5 teachers, or our Middle and Senior Leadership Team.